Английский язык
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Тест 2


*Выберите правильный ответ*


1.    В прошлую пятницу они взяли много книг из библиотеки.

·      They took a lot of books from the library last Friday.

·      Last Friday they take a lot of books from the library.

·      They taken a lot of books from the library last Friday.


2.    В прошлую пятницу Мария дала мне ключи от ее дачи.

·      Last Friday Maria gave me the keys from her summer house.

·      Maria give me the keys to her summer house last Friday.

·      Maria given me the keys to her summer house last Friday.


3.    Мои бабушка и дедушка пришли ко мне вчера, чтобы пожелать всего наилучшего в мой день рождения.

·      My grandparents is coming to me yesterday to wish all the best on my birthday.

·      My grandparents came to me yesterday to wish all the best on my birthday.

·      My grandparents come to me yesterday to wish all the best on my birthday.


4.    Мой лучший друг забыл про мой день рождения, и даже не позвонил.

·      My best friend forgot about my birthday and didn't even call.

·      My best friend forget about my birthday and didn't even call.

·      My best friend forgotten about my birthday and didn't even call.


5.     Они забыли оставить записку.

·      They forget to leave a note.

·      They forgot to leave a note.

·      They forgotten to leave a note.


6.    Я проговаривал слова в голос, для того чтобы лучше их запомнить.

·      I spoke words out loud in order to remember them better.

·      I speak words out loud in order to remember them better.

·      I spoken words out loud in order to remember them better.


7.    Я всегда брал с собой своего кота, когда ездил к бабушке.

·      I always took my cat with me, when I went to my grandmother.

·      I always take my cat with me, when I went to my grandmother.

·      I always taken my cat with me, when I went to my grandmother.


8.    Я пришел в супермаркет чтобы купить овощей к ужину.

·      I went to the supermarket to buy vegetables for dinner.

·      I gone to the supermarket to buy vegetables for dinner.

·      I goes to the supermarket to buy vegetables for dinner.


9.    Мои родители дали мне 200 долларов чтобы я купил новый телефон.

·      My parents give me $ 200 to buy a new phone.

·      My parents given me $ 200 to buy a new phone.

·      My parents gave me $ 200 to buy a new phone.


10.     Позавчера меня болела голова.

·      The day before yesterday I have a headache.

·      The day before yesterday I had a headache

·      The day before yesterday I was having a headache.


11.     В прошлую среду мой учитель говорил намного медленнее, чем сегодня.

·      Last Wednesday my teacher spoke much slower than today.

·      Last Wednesday my teacher speaking much slower than today.

·      Last Wednesday my teacher speaks much slower than today.


12.     Вчера у меня была бессонная ночь.

·      I had a sleepless night yesterday

·      I has sleepless night yesterday

·      I were have a sleepless night yesterday

Английский язык
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