Английский язык
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Тест 3


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1.    Мы видели слона в зоопарке.

·      We see an elephant at the zoo.

·      We saw an elephant at the zoo.

·      We seen an elephant at the zoo.


2.    Том сказал Мэри, что выиграл гонку, хотя это было не так.

·      Tom told Mary that he wins the race, even though he didn't.

·      Tom told Mary that he won the race, even though he didn't.

·      Tom told Mary that he win the race, even though he did.


3.    Вчера мы пели новую песню.

·      Yesterday we sing a new song.

·      Yesterday we sang a new song.

·      Yesterday we sung a new song.


4.     На прошлой неделе она написала рассказ о своей семье.

·      She wrote a story about her family last week.

·      Last week she write a story about her family.

·      She written a story about her family last week.


5.    Позавчера мой младший брат прочитал 5 страниц по-английски.

·      The day before yesterday my younger brother will reading 5 pages in English.

·      The day before yesterday my younger brother read 5 pages in English.

·      The day before yesterday my younger brother readed 5 pages in English.


6.    Вчера я видел салют в небе.

·      I saw fireworks in the sky yesterday.

·      Yesterday I see fireworks in the sky.

·      I have seen fireworks in the sky yesterday.


7.    Ты помнишь, чему я тебя учил?

·      Do you remember what I teaches you?

·      Did you remember what I taughted you?

·      Do you remember what I taught you?


8.    Мы выиграли матч, потому что много тренировались.

·      We win the match because we trained a lot

·      We wins the match because we trained a lot

·      We won the match because we trained a lot


9.    Вчера я прочитала интересную историю.

·      Yesterday I reads an interesting story.

·      Yesterday I read an interesting story.

·      Today I read an interesting story.


10.                   Я научил свою жену водить машину.

·      I teaches my wife to drive.

·      I taught my wife to drive.

·      I taughted my wife to drive.


11.                   Мэри спела высокую ноту.

·      Mary sing a high note.

·      Mary sang a high note.

·      Mary sung a high note.


12.                   Она написала ему длинное письмо, но он его не прочёл.

·      She is writing him a long letter, but he didn't read it.

·      She wrote him a long letter, but he didn't read it.

·      She written him a long letter, but he didn't read it.

Английский язык
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